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Make the best of available battery energy with one of our intelligent controllers
d'optimiseurs intelligentes

  1. A 12v system for sailing yachts and narrowboats to have hot water even when not connected to shore power 
  2. A system to switch on and off 3 devices or groups of devices at individually programmable voltage levels

Optimise use of available energy....

Our intelligent controllers allow you to switch on and off devices in accordance with the battery voltage level
The 12v version is above all useful for sailing yacht and narrowboat owners to manage their water heater when away from mains power.
The 48v version allows for the control of 3 devices (or groups of devices) indpendently and at different cutoff voltages.

Our Solutions

  • 12v Hot Water System Controller

    1. Checks voltage : keeps tabs on domestic battery voltage all the time
    2. Automatic Operation: : Turns on the water heater if the voltage is over 12.6v and turns it off at 12.2v thus making sure you have constant hot water without discharging your batteries.
    3. Efficient Energy Use : optimises use of the solar energy available to heat your water without risking excessive battery discharge

Device to manage 48/51.2v Solar Systems

      • Handles 3 devices or groups of devices : switches on and off 3 connected devices or groups of devices according to pre-set different voltgage levels
      • Personnalisation : Define the on/off voltage levels for 3 completely different devices the importance of which vary
      • Optimises use of available solar energy : Get the most out of your solar energy by using the excess to heat your water and manage other devices that can be usefully turned on or off.

Our Products

Why Choose Us?


We have more than 15 years experience of managing small solar systems to optimise available energy use. As yacht owners we wanted to be able to have a hot shower and hot water to wash the dishes. That is the origin of the 12v device.
Living as we do on a large off-grid houseboat, we need to be able to manage stored energy use so that when it is scarce in winter, connected devices are switched on and off in our priority order.

Our EU factory produces the products to our design

Our products are unique. You will find them nowhere else!